Lingotot offers multi award-winning, fun, lively and interactive languages classes for children aged 0-12. MFL PPA and EYFS lessons are delivered by fully qualified teachers offering primary languages qualifications for children.
MFL is compulsory in primary schools but many schools are experiencing a skills gap. Lingotot can help.
Its multi award-winning programmes are fully aligned with EYFS, KS1, KS2 and the Curriculum for Excellence in Scotland.
All of Lingotot’s teachers are fully qualified fluent linguists and the company offers the only primary languages qualifications for children in the UK available in French, Spanish, German, Mandarin and Arabic.
You can rest assured that the programme is of the highest quality – Lingotot is fully accredited by NCFE CACHE.
Available services include:
“The children completely love their Lingotot lessons. It’s brilliant to have an expert come in”
Melana Nicholson
MFL lead, Richardson Dees Primary
1st Steps with Numicon in the Nursery