A one-stop-shop for all Early Years (EY) practitioners who want to prioritise the emotional wellbeing of children and staff in their setting.
Five sections (Education and Awareness; Staff Wellbeing; Practice; Environments; Parents as Partners), each containing an introductory video, downloadable policy templates, success stories, Power Point presentations, lesson plans and resources for practitioners to use with their teams, an audit form and links to related research.
Live Q&A and FAQs – key to addressing any concerns that may arise while engaging with the Forum and in helping practitioners to overcome any challenges to achieving SR.
Once practitioners have worked their way through the five sections, their setting will be ready to leave behind behaviour management and instead, be embedded in self-regulation (SR) policies and practice.
With the introduction of the new self-regulation (SR) Early learning Goals (ELGs) as part of Personal Social Emotional Development (PSED) in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), it has become all the more urgent to get SR right across every EY setting.
This is due to the erroneous and limited nature of the ELGs, which critically, omit any mention of the fundamental importance of co-regulation (CR) in nurturing SR.
The increased awareness of self-regulation (SR) across statutory frameworks and guidance regarding the measurement of children’s Personal Social and Emotional Development (PSED), has made it all the more urgent to get SR right across every EY setting.
Not least because much of this literature omits any mention of the fundamental importance of co-regulation (CR) in nurturing SR.
Practical tools and sample policies for each area of provision.
Settings continually report that there is higher parental involvement, that incidents of dysregulation have dramatically decreased, that SR has improved and that staff can focus more effectively on facilitating high-quality teaching and learning experiences, with overall improvement in developmental outcomes for every child.
Our guiding principle
Self-regulation is a set of complex and ever-evolving skills that are unique to human beings. It must not be reduced to a tick-box exercise defined by any curricula framework. The guidance in this Forum is therefore suitable for all settings, both nationally and internationally.
Everyone who registers an interest in joining the forum before launch day will be eligible for a discount off their membership fee – just fill in the contact form here and we will send you a voucher code for money off when you sign up!
Find out more about Mine Conkbayir Consultancy at mineconkbayir.co.uk.
Little Feet, Big Change
Supporting EAL with Stories and Creativity