• Immediate impact on children’s speech and language development
• Effective practitioners to give children the best possible start
• Strong partnerships with parents and carers
chatta is an accessible and flexible approach which supports play based learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage and links experiences to a continued process of language development. The approach and resources feature powerful elements which also support:
• Pupils with special educational needs
• Pupils who speak English as an additional language
• The cycle of planning, observation and assessment
chatta was developed by Teach Early Years columnist, Chris Williams, and award-winning classroom technology consultant, David Andrews and is based on innovative classroom practice in hundreds of schools and nurseries across the UK.
Feedback (National Association of Head Teachers Course)
“The day exceeded my expectations. Very interesting and infectious. Very inspiring!” Zoe Nicholson, North Frodingham Primary School
‘Inspiring day. The chatta app is so easy to follow and I feel very confident to be able to share training with staff back at my school. Chris is excellent, there was a good balance of information and humour, he was approachable and up to date with current learning.’ Kate Percival, Driffield Infant School
“The day was very informative, and that the speaker’s style, knowledge and delivery was fantastic. It’s lovely to have EYFS and SEN expertise together.’” Kelly Wiles, Sandal Castle Primary School
For additional feedback from Early Years practitioners, headteachers, and SENCOs click on this link: chatta in Partnership with NAHT Yorkshire
Who should attend:
• EYFS Co-ordinators
• Special Needs Co-ordinators
• Early Years Teachers
• Nursery Teachers and Practitioners
This course includes:
• Lunch and refreshments
• Full training linking theory, evidence, practice and outcomes
• 12 month licence for online access to training for colleagues
• Welcome pack which include printed/online access to Setting Guide, Staff Training Guide, App Users Guide, Parent/Carer Workshop and Parent/Carer Guide.
• Online access to training workshop resources for parents/carers
• Printed/online access to 30+ EYFS Projects
• Chatta App for iOS/Android tablets (unlimited hosting of chats)
• Helpline for Practical/Technical Support
For further information on chatta training and resources click HERE
Venues/Dates 2016
London: 14 July
Hull: 20 July
Liverpool: 18 September
Derby: 23 September
Wakefield: 6 October (for NAHT Yorkshire)
London: 13 October
Manchester: 20 October
Newcastle: 8 November
Colchester: 15 November
Hull: 2 December
Birmingham: 9th December
Price: *£395 (Additional delegate places can be booked for £50)
*Usual price £600 a year for schools
Telephone: 0845 003 0896
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